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1. System certification
The services of certification  including: quality  management  system certification ,environmental management system certification, occupational health and safety management system certification, machinery safety certification, military quality management system certification, CUC product certification mark.
Has thousands of equipment for manufacturing, production, technical services, administrative and other types of enterprises, government agencies, offers a variety of certification services.
Customers distribution throughout the country and Japan and Kazakhstan and other countries.
Covering machinery, metallurgy, mining, engineering machinery, electric power, railway, automotive, aviation, new energy, environmental protection, electrical, textile and clothing, weapons and other professionals.

扬中市| 恭城| 含山县| 榕江县| 府谷县| 金湖县| 山东| 雷波县| 平南县| 永昌县| 华坪县| 和田市| 康乐县| 栾城县| 郁南县| 崇左市| 德庆县| 桑日县| 武汉市| 孙吴县| 永仁县| 平泉县| 清河县| 科技| 个旧市| 平乡县| 黎城县| 开鲁县| 房山区| 遵义市| 台江县| 和龙市| 凤台县| 紫阳县| 新沂市| 长阳| 陆丰市| 闽侯县| 纳雍县| 东阳市| 团风县|