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The Academy has 5002 staffs in total, including 3662 professional technical workers, which accounts for 73% of the total staffs number, the structure of professional technical personnel has been classified according to different titles and degrees as below:

桃源县| 文昌市| 蒙阴县| 双峰县| 石渠县| 察哈| 兴业县| 扶风县| 油尖旺区| 阳东县| 城固县| 临安市| 合阳县| 岳阳县| 青冈县| 白玉县| 宜君县| 扎囊县| 聂荣县| 永康市| 营口市| 嘉鱼县| 新邵县| 新源县| 福建省| 六安市| 葵青区| 巫山县| 久治县| 沈阳市| 长垣县| 海林市| 临夏市| 若羌县| 许昌市| 闵行区| 南平市| 灵川县| 嵊州市| 温州市| 杂多县|