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Standards research and revising: mainly including the research and revision of international standards, national standards and enterprise standards. So far we have accomplished totally thousands of items of various types which are widely used in the process of design and production for manufacturing enterprises.
Standardization subject research: mainly undertaking the standardization research which are commissioned by countries and ministries. Now we have undertaken dozens of subjects including the special grand national science-technology project, the project supported by national science and technology, the 863 project, the National Standards Commission-based public project and the basic research from COSTIND(Commission in Charge of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense).

疏附县| 舞阳县| 东城区| 通海县| 绵阳市| 乐安县| 玉山县| 都江堰市| 中西区| 霞浦县| 紫金县| 乳山市| 建昌县| 通化市| 健康| 武鸣县| 浮梁县| 城步| 永泰县| 丘北县| 芮城县| 马鞍山市| 宜宾市| 博客| 大竹县| 孙吴县| 灯塔市| 磐石市| 岑巩县| 威远县| 海伦市| 丰都县| 滁州市| 丹寨县| 阜新| 奈曼旗| 铁力市| 满城县| 瑞安市| 闽侯县| 台中市|